Terry Newlin
Promise Point
By Terry Newlin

At the dawn of the tumultuous 1960s, Toby Masters is a girl-crazy, athletic young boy growing up too fast. Fate—or something more divine—brings him to Laura DuVall in a Southern California grade school classroom. Too young to understand the full implications of their meeting, they are unaware of how completely their lives will change.

Growing up together through adolescence and young adulthood, and living the wild crazes of the times, the nascent lovers brave years filled with longing, adventure, ecstasy, and anguish in an endless struggle to defeat the tremendous forces trying to tear them apart. Yearning for a place away from the world’s judgment of their relationship, Toby and Laura discover a hidden forest haven they name Promise Point, where they exchange vows of eternal devotion.

Now in college, the two are finally on their own and heading toward a fabulous future. But their dreams are suddenly shattered by events they could never have imagined. Promise Point holds the key that can save their love. Will Laura realize it in time?

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I’m glad you share my interest in reading a good story and took the time to check us out. You may be a writer or interested in writing, but whichever it is that brings you here—readin’, writin’, or just thinkin’ about it—I’m certain we can learn something from each other. I really hope you will sign in to my Guest Book (see below). You just have to let me know what you think about Promise Point, so I guess that means you’re going to have to order your personal copy! Even if you can’t stand it, I want to know that, too. It will help me in my future writing endeavors.
The Promise Point story had been in my head for a lot of years. If you happen to know me or if you just read my bio, there is no doubt you will see some similarities in my background and the adventures of Toby Masters and Laura DuVall. Although the story was inspired by personal experiences, make no mistake——Promise Point is definitely not an autobiography. I’m sure you will be certain of that, too, after reading it.
I’m working on scheduling some book signing events at bookstores locally, and I will post those here when I know the details. So be sure and come back to find out, because I would like nothing better than to meet you—SOON!
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